June 2

A Special Thanks to our Community


Wow, what a great first week to be back– we were absolutely full to the brim with clients and gratitude. We’d like to personally thank each and every one of you for supporting us as we reopened in our new space in the heart of our city. So here’s to you: our community.

We like to think of barbershops as pillars of the community, where generations come together as neighbors to share their stories and their perspectives. It’s truly rewarding to be a part of it. When I decided to relocate from Master Street to East Third, it wasn’t only an attempt to grow or increase access to parking- I wanted Modern Barbarian to be a part of the downtown community. In this spirit– we’d like to talk about another pillar of the community we have in Downtown Corbin.

You & Me Coffee & Tea has played a vital role in fostering connection downtown. From hosting farmers market seed exchanges to pop-ups with local chefs and even board game tournaments, it has consistently provided food and drinks, a space to relax, study, and take your loved ones for quality time together. If you’ve ever been there, you’re bound to have noticed the community board. It’s a common practice of letting members of a community pay it forward by purchasing a drink to share with someone else. At any given time, there might be one for a local frontline worker, teacher, or just someone in need of a pick me up.
For our next giveaway, we’d like you to head back over to our Facebook posts that brought you here and drop a comment telling us your favorite coffee drink. On Saturday, we’ll randomly select one of y’all for a gift card which you’ll be able to find on the community board at You and Me.  


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